Investment Giving

Non-cash giving with tax benefits.

Tax-smart giving allows you to maximize your charitable impact while also enjoying tax benefits.

By utilizing strategies such as donating appreciated assets or setting up donor-advised funds, you can increase the value of your donations.

For SeriousFun Children’s Network, this means more resources to create life-changing experiences for children with serious illnesses, ensuring every dollar goes further in making a difference.


Make a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) Gift​

Make a charitable donation to SeriousFun through your DAF and receive an immediate tax deduction.


Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)​ Donation

A qualified charitable distribution allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 total to one or more charities.


Give Stock

Give the gift of appreciated assets. You’ll avoid capital gains tax on the securities you donate and receive an immediate tax deduction.


Give Crypto

When you donate cryptocurrency your gift will bring the camp experience to kids with serious illnesses.


Write Your Will Online

Through our partnership with FreeWill, we’ve made it easy for you to create an official legal document and begin your will. It’s 100% free to you and a smart, thoughtful way to create future camp experiences for children living with serious illnesses.

Your legacy gift will go beyond dollars and cents. It will become a lifeline for children yearning for the magic of camp – a place where their worries fade, friendships bloom, and the weight of their illnesses is lifted, even if just for a short while.

By including SeriousFun Children’s Network in your will, trust, or beneficiary designation, you ensure that this haven of laughter and healing endures for generations to come.

By clicking on START YOUR WILL, you will be taken to our partner’s website, which is not owned by SeriousFun Children’s Network. Already included us in your estate plans? Please let us know!