Topic: Jordan River Village
Honoring Chaim Topol, Champion for Children
Honoring the Founder and President of Jordan River Village and Israel Prize laureate, late actor Chaim Topol z”l. Topol first learned about the idea of the Jordan River Village from his friend, the late actor Paul Newman, founder of the Seriousfun Network of camps in the US. Together with Murray and Marilyn Grant (z”l), Topol helped bring the dream of a place for sick children and their families to life.
A Closer Look: SeriousFun Camp Medical Centers
From their blueprints to their names, camp medical centers are designed to provide high-quality, child-friendly care in a way that looks and feels like camp. Take a closer look!
What Three Campers Found at Camp
Meet Nevaeh, Christensen, and Noam. From giving adventure, to inspiring hope, camp is changing the lives of children and families around the world.