Category: Impact Stories

Oxygen Tubes and Zip Lines: Redefining Possibilities at Camp
SeriousFun Medical Director Dr. Laura Blaisdell shares a breathtaking moment from a SeriousFun camp where a child with pulmonary hypertension, trailing 20 feet of oxygen tubing, soars down a zip line—proving that at SeriousFun camps "impossible" becomes "I'm possible" for kids with complex medical needs.
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SeriousFun Camper Alex says that camp feels like
At Camp, Anything Is Possible
SeriousFun campers like 13-year-old Alex, who you’ll meet in the video below, get to experience all the joys, activities, and wonders of camp because of supporters like YOU! At SeriousFun camps and…
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Shoni Family Camp Story
Family Camp Stories: Meet Shoni
“Family Camp taught us that, whilst illness may always be a part of our lives, it does not have to define them.” – Shoni Tavend…
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Cogley Family shares their Barretstown Story
Family Camp Stories: The Cogleys
Family and sibling camps and programs are designed to help families escape the daily challenges they face because of serious illness and celebrate simply being together. Families are strengthened by the support…
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The Power of “How Are You Doing?”
Campfire Chat with Samantha Clark, Associate Director, Learning and Education for SeriousFun Children’s Network. Join us Around the Campfire for a monthly sampling of inspiration, impact, camp-inspired recipes, activities and crafts, and more!…
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Leaning In for the Win!
Campfire Chat with Mike Parker, Program Manager, Learning & Development. Join us Around the Campfire for a monthly sampling of inspiration, impact, camp-inspired recipes, activities and crafts, and more! I never in a…
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Exceptional Medical Care (In Disguise)
Campfire Chat with Emo Castle, Nursing Advisor. Join us Around the Campfire for a monthly sampling of inspiration, impact, camp-inspired recipes, activities and crafts, and more! Many people are surprised to learn that,…
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SeriousFun’s Nursing Advisor, Emo Castle, Talks Career & Life at Camp
When you think of medical professionals, you probably picture white coats and clinical settings. But being a medical professional looks, well, a little bit different at our favorite place on earth.
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Family Camp for Mothers and their Children living with HIV
Campfire Chat with Mary Silvia, Associate Director, Programs and Growth. Join us Around the Campfire for a monthly sampling of inspiration, impact, camp-inspired recipes, activities and crafts, and more! Through my…
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Research On The Impact and Benefits of SeriousFun Camps and Programs
Participating in a SeriousFun camp or program, even for just one week, can profoundly change the life and future of a child living with a serious medical condition. As members of the…
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